Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Line Following Robot without using microcontroller

Logic Development :
By implementing this circuit with sensors and motor driving circuits you can make your own robot at your home easily...

I have mentioned a complete circuit by implementing above logic, but you should replace the single transistor below with darlington pair to energize relay or just use motor driving ICs.

In the video of national Robotics competition 2006 included here, Thapathali college used the same logic ( while I was studying in Thapathali Campus and I"m also involved in building it in Robotics club ) as I have mentioned above for line tracking :


  1. i have tried this circuit but my robot is not following a line it is just moving around need help why i am facing problem while implement this circuit?

    1. 1.Check your sensor module first.(It should recognize white and black color if you have connected and adjusted the preset properly )
      2.Check logical unit.
      3.Use debugging LEDs grounded with 470ohm resistors at points Ls,Rs, and out put of logical circuit just before resistors.
      4.Check relay function and motor (as u say its just moving around means this part is okay)
      5.If 1 to 3 steps are working just change the polarity of supply on motor one by one at a time.
      6. Observe with different position of robot/sensor as in figure 2 by holding/moving above line track
